Plastixx – PIE Polymer Price index

"Plastixx" is the name of the PIE polymer price index introduced in June 2005. This index mirrors the price development of plastics in western Europe. The calculations are made monthly on the basis of the market prices for standard thermoplastics and engineering thermoplastics determined and published by PIE.

While Plastixx covers the major thermoplastics as a whole, the Plastixx ST shows the price development of standard plastics and Plastixx TT that of engineering thermoplastics. The index base for Plastixx, Plastixx ST and Plastixx TT is January 2002 with 1,000 points.

With an index base of 1,000 points in January 2010, the Plastixx Composites is drawn up every month in cooperation with AVK – Industrievereinigung Kunststoffe and reflects market prices of resins and glass fibres used in the manufacture of glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFR).

Tables and charts

Plastixx reflects the price movements of LD/LLDPE, HDPE, PP, PVC, PS, PET and ABS, PA, PC, PMMA, POM and PBT according to the principle of the "Paasche Index". The Plastixx Composites reflects the average European market prices for ortho resins, chopped strand mats and direct roving. The monthly index calculation is based on the average monthly market prices of the materials, weighted according to western European consumption volumes. The weighting by consumption volumes is updated annually.

Plastixx fact file
  • Price development of thermoplastics in western Europe
  • Weighted according to consumption volumes
  • January 2002 = 1,000 points
  • Two sub-indices
    - Plastixx ST: standard thermoplastics
    - Plastixx TT: engineering thermoplastics
The application-related price indices „A-PLASTIXX“ enable you to generate abstract estimates of how feedstock prices will develop in the most important fields of application.

The six indices mirror the price movement for a group of plastics that are of key relevance for a particular market segment such as packaging, construction, automotive and electrical. They enable comparisons between the various indices and the equally indexed time series for all individual polymer grades as well as their petrochemical feedstocks.
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Date of print: 28/03/2025
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