Recent Polymer Price Reports
Forecast ethylene, propylene August 2024
Hikes likely despite summer lull / Stable prices expected this autumn
Polyurethane feedstocks July 2024
Significant price reductions dominate landscape / Processors put more emphasis on monthly contracts / Demand in holiday mode
Engineering recyclate July 2024
Sales of all types at rock bottom / For most recyclers, price stability remains main issue
Standard recyclate July 2024
Summer, summer, summer – high stock levels and next to no demand / Everyone on the lookout for sales / Hopes pinned on September
China engineering thermoplastics June 2024
Prices move sideways or lower / Demand weak across the board / Prices seen softening in July as demand remains weak
China standard thermoplastics June 2024
Most prices see hikes / Crude oil market remains strong / Demand expected to be flat
Forecast ethylene and propylene trend August
Hikes likely despite summer season / Stable prices projected for autumn
Standard thermoplastics trend July 2024
Rollover for polyolefins, significant reductions for styrenics / Prices move in line with feedstocks
North America June 2024
Most prices remain unchanged despite firmer feedstocks and production problems / Demand weak across the board / Reduced margins for producers also expected in July
Composites/GRP June 2024
Weak demand puts resin prices under pressure / Further reductions likely / Increasing import volumes, rising prices expected for glass fibres
Engineering thermoplastics June 2024
Rollover, minor reductions dominate picture / PMMA bucks trend / July prices come under pressure as holiday season commences
Paraxylene June 2024
PET precursor sees strong rollover
Polypropylene June 2024
Barely any momentum from application segments / Weak demand continues / Imports arriving with delays / Slight change expected in July
Styrenics June 2024
Declining SM reference further depresses prices / Demand weak / Significant discounts expected for July
Polyethylene June 2024
Monomer reduction points way for polymer prices / Very few orders before holiday season / Little change expected
Feedstocks June/July 2024
Styrene July 2024
Price drops significantly
PVC June 2024
Sluggish demand, abundant supply – everything still the same in Europe / No supply bottleneck expected despite unattractive imports
PET June 2024
Surprising change in direction / Season starts with clear surge in demand / Weak import situation drives prices up / Sudden spread of optimism / Further price hikes to be expected
Benzene July 2024
Contract price falls to six-month low
Ethylene July 2024
Contract in rollover
Propylene July 2024
Contract fixed unchanged
Producers announcements
Price Forecasts
As of 18 March 2024, PIE is offering price forecasts for the European plastics industry. The initial focus will be on the feedstocks ethylene (C2) and propylene (C3).

Our forecasts reflect European contracts, with both an outlook for the next month and directional trends for the following two months.

In the course of 2024, we plan to expand our price forecasts to include other standard thermoplastic polymer types. At launch, the new feature is free of charge for PIE subscribers.

Your PIE Price Team
Russian Polymer Prices
Due to the ongoing political situation, we are maintaining our decision to suspend reporting on Russian polymer prices.

We appreciate your understanding.

Your PIE price team
Energy Cost Surcharges
Please note:
The polymer prices reported by Plastics Information Europe (PIE) already include any energy cost surcharges of the producers and are not listed separately.

Your PIE Team
Upcoming publication dates (at the latest)
Standard thermoplastics
Petrochemical feedstocks/aromatics
Engineering thermoplastics
Standard thermoplastics trend
Standard recyclate
Engineering recyclate
Polyurethane feedstocks
PIE Spot Price Monitor
Now available on PIEWeb:

The new weekly service is highlighting the spot market developments of the most important plastic types.

PIE Spotprice Monitor: Simply book the Spot Price Monitor as an add-on to your PIE subscription!
  • Early identification of price trends
  • Real-time information about price developments
  • Setting the trend for processors: Traders‘ prices
  • Market-driven reflection of trading conditions
  • Competitively priced addition to your existing PIE subscription
Chart generator

Compile custom price charts:

  • Choice of about 100 price types
  • Up to 5 grades in direct comparison
  • Custom periods
  • Absolute figures or index charts
  • Save your own profiles and call them up at any time
New categories for petrochemicals

The important role petrochemical feedstocks and other starting materials play in price developments for polymers is becoming increasingly evident. To reflect this, PIE is now tracking and publishing both contract and monthly average spot prices for the most important petrochemicals. In addition, we will analyse the volatility of spot prices as well as the level of supply and demand.

Separate tables for Feedstocks (ethylene, propylene, styrene, paraxylene) and Base Chemicals / Aromatics (oil, naphtha, benzene) will bring market developments into the spotlight.

© 2024 by Plastics Information Europe, Bad Homburg
Date of print: 27/07/2024
Ref: abygb445vs3hrmrez5x0q5rj
All rights reserved.
Access and use is subject to our terms of use.
URL: https://pieweb.plasteurope.com/default.aspx?pageid=200