PDS – Price Delivery Solution
Get individual price information on polymers via data interface.

Price Delivery Solution "PDS" with API support

PDS – Price Delivery Solution
Price Delivery Solution "PDS" with API support

PIE is now officially offering an automatic API-based solution for the delivery of commercial grades. Thanks to an API link, we can automatically deliver the current price development of more than 170 commercial grades in the file formats .xls (Excel), .json or .csv, so that you can in turn easily process them in your business intelligence solutions.

As a customer, your technical prerequisite is an ability to process .xls, .json and .csv files. In the case of .xls files, that would be with Microsoft Excel, for example.

Which polymer grades can be transmitted with PDS?
PDS – Price Delivery Solution
Which polymer grades can be transmitted with PDS?

Here is the complete overview of all available commercial grades that we offer with our product PDS, divided by contract price and spot price:

Who is PDS suitable for?
PDS – Price Delivery Solution
Who is PDS suitable for?
  • The delivery of our commercial grades is particularly suitable for companies that have individual requirements for the data we can deliver.
  • PDS is particularly suitable for companies that have a high purchasing volume at several locations and want to transfer our commercial grades automatically, directly into business intelligence solutions like SAP.
What are the advantages of "PDS"?
PDS – Price Delivery Solution
What are the advantages of "PDS"?
  • By delivering data via API link, we drastically reduce potential sources of error (e.g. due to incorrect transcription).
  • Modular pricing, depending on number of selected indices, number of users and branches worldwide.
  • The automatic transfer via API link ensures extreme time savings.
  • Highest security requirements for data transfer.
How does PDS work?
PDS – Price Delivery Solution
How does PDS work?
  • We offer 2 different solutions for the PDS. Once the transfer via API link directly into a business intelligence software or alternatively the sending of the polymer prices via e-mail. Of course, both solutions are possible at the same time, for example if you always want to see the latest prices on the road.
  • Solution 1: Static IP - For this, you need 1-5 fixed IP addresses or IP address spaces for authentication, which are stored in our backend. You receive the needed information from your IT department or by click on the following page: kiweb.de/ip-check. The link provided by us is can be transferred into your business intelligence solution, using an importer, so that the data is automatically available for you.
  • Solution 2: Dynamic IP - If no static IP is available, we also offer the possibility to receive the booked polymer prices via e-mail. For this purpose, you will receive a link generated by us, which sends the current polymer prices to a previously defined e-mail address when the link is called up in the browser.
Is there an alternative for small businesses?
Is there an alternative for small businesses?

You don't use an intranet in your company, but you need additional online workplaces for PIE? Then just order additional user accounts for your existing subscription – directly online!

Contact person
Sabine Ament
Senior Sales Manager
Email: sabine.ament@ki.de
Phone: +49 (0)6172 9606-24

Make an appointment
PDS Features
  • Individual price information delivered directly via API link as .csv or .xls file
  • Modular pricing, depending on the number of selected indexes, users and branches
  • No separate login required
  • Time savings due to omission of active price sourcing
  • Low costs, staggered by the number of users
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Date of print: 27/07/2024
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