PIE Readers Survey

The current PIE reader survey has ended!

Thank you to our readers for participation. All participants will receive the complete analysis of the results by email after evaluation.

Kind regards,
Your PIE Service-Team

Why take part?
We welcome you to participate in PIE Market Survey

As a participant you will receive the executive summary and gain access to the online evaluation with details.

The PIE Market Survey help us provide you with the most accurate picture of business performance and concerns in the European plastics industry.

You can participate in the online questionnaire in just a few clicks.

Your responses will be handled confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties.

We are available for any questions you have or for further information and discussions, as well as much more (contact).

Thank you for participating!

Ulrike Mau
PIE – Plastics Information Europe

© 2024 by Plastics Information Europe, Bad Homburg
Date of print: 21/09/2024
Ref: ruhxvn45rew0i4ivz5qru2ef
All rights reserved.
Access and use is subject to our terms and conditions.
URL: https://pieweb.plasteurope.com/default.aspx?pageid=510&utm_source=Plasteurope.com&utm_medium=Rechts&utm_campaign=PIE+Dialog