
Markets Other Logistics

German train driver strike could cause billions in losses / Disputes between customers and carriers on the rise
New record prices for container freight / Coronavirus renaissance hangs over trade routes like Damocles' sword
Sale-and-leaseback financing / Opportunity to increase liquidity and free up the balance sheet / Consideration needed for asset values, running times and “rights to separate satisfaction”
Rhine river navigable again / High water levels remain in parts of Moselle, Saale, Oder and Elbe rivers
Companies introduce strategies to protect against Covid-19-related disruptions / Survey shows 30% of firms considering near-shoring / Euler Hermes report
Container freight rates rise / High demand for Asian products in Europe and US / Shipping business not expected to slow before February 2021
Project to track plastics industry supply chains receives EUR 1.5m in EU funding
Steps required to strengthen global value chains as shock events rise / Disruptions could wipe out 45% of annual profits every 10 years / Network restructuring to reshore production / McKinsey report
Pandemic to lead to major production and supply chain shift in global manufacturing industry / UK university study
Digitalisation investments can help protect against disruptions in the suplly chains / PwC survey
Covid-19 lockdowns could wipe out USD 2.4 tn of trade volume / Recovery expected in H2 2020 and 2021 / Rise in protectionism a concern / Euler Hermes report
Three new butane barges to supply Cologne cracker via Rhine river / Fourth barge due later in 2020
Sharp decline in container throughput in European ports / Scheduled services suspended / Warehouses largely working at capacity / Truck spot rates plummeting / Increased number of insolvencies expected
Companies should act now to shock-proof their supply chains / McKinsey report
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