NEW at PIE: Spot and contract price reports for the precursor / Supply situation in Europe remains tight; prices likely to remain high / Numerous expansions planned in Asia
— By PIE staff — The butadiene market in Europe is still short. According to the  PIE Price Team, the tight supply situation will continue ...

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NEW: Butadiene Prices
With the contracts for October 2024, PIE – Plastics Information Europe is also introducing the plastic precursor, butadiene (C4), as a Western European contract and as a spot quotation.

Both price variants are available immediately and retroactively for one year. The corresponding detail pages in the PIE price section are now available.

The monthly butadiene contract is accessible for free to PIE subscribers. The weekly spot price, on the other hand, is part of the additional Spot Price Monitor offer.
© 2024 by Plastics Information Europe, Bad Homburg
Date of print: 29/09/2024
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URL: https://pieweb.plasteurope.com/Default.aspx?docid=256207&pageid=199