Significant increase with naphtha / How will the feedstock prices develop for C2 and C3?
— By PIE staff —  Naphtha prices in October followed the considerable rise in the cost of oil. The increase held until the end of ...

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PIE Polymer Price Forecasts
Julia Mihalkina
Senior Analyst PIE price team
If you would like to find out more about our new polymer price forecasts, read our new editorial. We will show you what new opportunities our price forecasts open up for you.

If you have any further questions, please send an e-mail to julia.mihalkina@pieweb.com.
NEW: Butadiene Prices
With the contracts for October 2024, PIE – Plastics Information Europe is also introducing the plastic precursor, butadiene (C4), as a Western European contract and as a spot quotation.

Both price variants are available immediately and retroactively for one year. The corresponding detail pages in the PIE price section are now available.

The monthly butadiene contract is accessible for free to PIE subscribers. The weekly spot price, on the other hand, is part of the additional Spot Price Monitor offer.
© 2024 by Plastics Information Europe, Bad Homburg
Date of print: 03/12/2024
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